On February 13, 2023, our Arby’s restaurant, located at 1045 Winchester Avenue in Ashland KY, discovered their drive-thru credit card terminal had not transmitted charges to our credit card processor over a period of several months. When we fixed this issue, the terminal processed those drive-thru transactions, causing unexpected charges to our guests. Impacted guests visiting this Arby’s drive-thru from October of 2022 through February 13, 2023 had not been previously charged for their orders during this timeframe, and their credit cards were not charged until this week. While these are legitimate charges related to real transactions, we understand the inconvenience the late posting creates for our valued guests and we want to make this right. If you were impacted and have questions or concerns, please contact [email protected] and our processing team will review and respond.
Arby’s, Ashland, KY / AES Restaurant Group
Barbara gail kirtz
2/14/2023 08:26:05 am
My debit card was charged $18 on Feb 11. It has been months since I was at Arby’s. I am requesting a printed receipt for items purchased and date please.
2/14/2023 03:31:46 pm
Same! I spent over an hour dealing with fraud. Unacceptable
2/15/2023 11:41:45 am
mailto:[email protected] then email them with the problem that way they can help solve the issue. There’s no way for them to keep track of everyone’s comments so the only way you’ll get a solution is if you email them at the email provided.
K Williams
2/14/2023 05:23:31 pm
My purchases were not from the Ashland store. They were also from August and September (prior to Oct). They were already deducted from my account and are reflected on my bank statements.
taffie hall
2/15/2023 09:17:07 am
i went to arbys on 2/11 bill was 18.00. I was charged two more times. 17.25 and 19.15
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